In Nazi Germany, and prior to the rise of the Third Reich,
there was a widely propagated sentiment that no matter how vehemently a person might
protest that they knew one decent Jew, there was really no such thing. That inside each and every Jew was a war
profiteer, a leech upon the jugular vein of German society just waiting to cash
in. Waiting to take over and destroy the
fabric of precious Aryan culture and to spread their filth everywhere.[i] And that as hard as one might try to find one
decent Jew, the existence of such an animal was a mere myth. Today, the parallel to this is that in 21st
century America, we have a growing and more vociferous group of people who
claim that there is no such thing as a decent Muslim. That at the heart of their religion is a core
of evil that hates Christian society, that hates Jews, that hates America, that
hates democracy, and that each and every Muslim is just here in the US to
profit from our hard work, and that they—the Muslim, as a category—are just
waiting to be mobilized as terrorists, to destroy and kill all of us.
As a scholar of religion, I have studied many world
religions, and have a good grasp on the core values of almost every world
religion, some more deeply than others.
And I am a specialist in Early Christianity and Second Temple Judaism,
so I am not without knowledge of the core values and the varied, and often
highly embarrassing history of each of the two root traditions of the Judeo-Christian
faiths. To speak of Islam as if it were
inherently a religion bent on the destruction of Judaism and Christianity, that
it is rooted in violence and destruction and subjugation of all non-Muslims, is
patently untrue, and is not supported by history. It is a vicious and nefarious lie, rooted in
a willful ignorance—arrogance—the same malignant credulity of mankind that led
to the Holocaust. And frankly, I am
fearful that we, as a nation, are on the same exact road as Nazi Germany was on
in the 1920s and 1930s—far closer than anyone might expect.
NO ONE is saying that extremists do not exist within the
Islamic faith, just as they do in every faith. But to label an entire religion
of 1.6 billion people based upon the actions of perhaps less than a fraction of
1% worldwide, is not only madness, it is bigotry, and it is unacceptable. As a scholar, and as an activist in the field
of interfaith dialogue, I work with, and personally know more Muslims than most non-Muslim Americans will ever know. I have worked
with thousands of them, and personally know hundreds of them. These are good people, whose religion is a
lot closer to Judaism and Christianity than you would ever imagine, unless you
were educated in this field.
Over the last several years, I have brought thousands of my
students to mosques, among the many field trips to different houses of worship
that they attend, and not a single student, after the fact, has ever felt that
Islam was inherently a nefarious religion.[ii] In fact, I have placed on the IRTPJ blog, which
you can read if you like, the academic paper of one such student who was so
shocked to see how wrongly the media portrays Islam, that she wants to share
this insight with others.[iii]
There are some friends and acquaintances of mine, who happen
to be of a more politically conservative mindset, but are more distinguishable
by their bigotry than their conservatism per se—some of these friends happen to
feel that all Muslims are essentially evil, that Islam is a nefarious religion,
bent on the destruction of Democracy, Christianity, and America, and that deep
down underneath, they are all terrorists, just waiting to be activated or
awakened from their sleeper cells. Sound
familiar? Just a few weeks ago, I helped
lead a major interfaith march in downtown LA which was attended by throngs of
peaceful Muslims whose only hopes were to share with America their love for
being in this land, to share that they are peaceful people, and to ask that
their neighbors stand up with them against bullies and bigots, and help to
reject violent extremism in the name of religion. And what do you know, not a single major US
news source was there to cover it—go figure.
Not the first time that has happened when Muslims are involved. But who was there? We had LA Sheriff’s Department there to
support, including several LASD deputies who happen to be Muslims themselves.
Are they terrorists? LASD didn’t think
so, or they wouldn’t have hired them. We
also had LAPD out in force to support us.
The Captain of the Olympic Division marched right alongside of me in
support of Muslims. Is he cowed by the wiles
of terrorists? What about the LAPD
Reserve Officer who is on the board of the Islamic Center of Southern
California, which took part in our march and was the final destination? Or the LAPD officer who is part of Community
Affairs interfaith outreach, also a Muslim—is he a terrorist? And what about my students who are Muslim,
some having come from other countries to study here, others born here—are they
terrorists? What about the man who often
heads the tours for my students at his mosque, who is by day a cancer
researcher whose work has contributed extensively to cancer research and whose
findings might one day save your life or that of a loved one? Is he a terrorist? Some people claim that he looks like one,
since his traditional beard and garb make him reminiscent of Osama Bin
Laden. But he has contributed more to
the well-being of our society than many of you ever will in your entire
lives. What about my doctors? The Iranian Shi’ite Muslim doctor who helped
save my life when I nearly died of bacterial meningitis in 2001. Is he a terrorist? How about your doctors? You are likely to have at least one Muslim
doctor in the course of your life, just as many of your doctors have likely
been Jewish in the past. Are they all terrorists? Why don’t you say that to their faces while
they are stitching you up after bypass surgery, or administering your chemotherapy.
I want to address a couple of points here. Many people throw around terms that they seem
to think define Muslims the world over, yet they do not even know what these terms
mean. They have made up meanings for
those terms that serve their willfully ignorant views of Muslims, that paint
them as the bad guy of some 1980s action film.
Terms like Jihad and Shariah and Infidel are tossed around as if
everyone knows what these mean. I will
not launch into a lesson about these here, preferring to handle that another
day. But the concept of being an infidel
has surfaced, with many people putting an Arabic character ostensibly meaning “infidel”
on their social media profiles, as if to say that they are proudly “owning”
their identity as “infidels” as part of their resistance to the onslaught of
radical Islam, which is trying to convert or slaughter everyone. Allow me to remind you that the term “infidel”
was always a term used primarily by Christians and in a Christian context, well
before the advent of Islam. And it is
not the most accurate way of translating the Arabic word kaafir or kufr—which simply
means non-believer and depending upon how one uses the term, can be just as innocuous
as the term is in English—“someone not of our faith,” or goyim in
Hebrew. It’s all in the tone of how you
use the term. By putting this Arabic
character on your social media profiles, you are not resisting anything except
your own education! You are not insulting
anyone except the angels of your better nature.[iv]
What about these so-called “No-go zones” that have
ostensibly appeared all over Europe and America? As commonly defined by conservative news
sources, they do NOT exist in America, and likely not in Europe either. There is no hard evidence for these existing in
America at all.[v] They are a myth. Even in Britain, the reports of a no go zone
were sparked by the campaign of a radical cleric named Anjem Choudary, now on
and his neckbearded leprechaun of a henchman posting decals on lamp-posts
around Britain[vii],
which have no more authority and enforceability than your teenager posting a
sign on his or her door that says “kids only, adults keep out!” This does not qualify as a juvenile no-go
zone. Most Muslims don’t care what you
do with your private time and are happy to be protected by the U.S.
Constitution, which is the closest form of government to that which is fostered
by the real concept of Shariah, which just means maintaining a Godly and
compassionate lifestyle—much like how we understand Biblical values—and not
what it is often misinterpreted by bigots the world over.
And although this kind of bigotry is most commonly practiced
by those from Conservative camps, it ultimately has nothing to do with
conservatism. It’s bigotry plain and
simple. I am glad that I have plenty of
conservative friends that repudiate this kind of bigotry and realize that it
has no place in real Christianity either.
Frankly this kind of rhetoric has a limited lifespan. My job, both as an educator and as an
activist in religious tolerance, is to make sure that it ends with these bigots
and doesn’t get passed on to their children’s or grandchildren’s generations. Even if they’re not willing to see reason,
blinded by their own willful ignorance, at least their descendants will see
that this is the same kind of outdated thinking that led to the Holocaust and
nearly wiped Judaism off the face of this earth.
All of you listening to this have a choice to make. You have to decide what side of history you
want to be on. Do you want to be
remembered along with the Nazis, as those whose fear of the other, of the
unknown, allowed them to preach hatred and violence, all under the guise of
protecting your cultural values from the purported violence of another? Do you want to be reviled by your children
and their children as bigots, much like we now ridicule the ideologues of the ante-bellum
South who thought that slavery brought immense good to society and provided a
civilizing influence to their slaves? Or
how we now shake our heads and cluck our tongues at the outdated sentiments of
the post-bellum South, believing that the Black Man, as a category, would bring
ruin upon their Lily White society of Jim Crowe and lynchings? Or how much of the world, even America, was
happy to rid themselves of the perfidious Jew, another unwanted category, and
how large portions of Christian Europe were happy to glibly stand by and watch
as the Nazis rounded up their Jewish neighbors, as if somehow, the Jew had
earned this fate by being a “murderer of Christ.” Is that how you want to be remembered, as one
whose place in history is beside these ne’er do wells? Bullies and bigots alike? We stand at a crossroads here in
America. If we cultivate these
sentiments, we run the risk of having our children shake their heads at our
memories, saying, “never again.” Or we can
reject hatred, and do as the Lord asked us, and treat the sojourner with
respect. I know what I choose, and I am
not going to allow my friends, my colleagues, my neighbors, Muslims or Jews or Christians
or otherwise, to be bullied by bigots. I
will not stand quietly by. Not on my
Happy Easter, folks.
Ask yourselves what Jesus would do right now.
accessed 3/27/2016;,
accessed 3/27/2016.
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accessed 3/27/2016.
accessed 3/27/2016.